Topic number
3 . 2019



Mutations of heart troponines, associated with cardiomyopathies

Thanks to molecular genetic research methods used in groups of patients with cardiomyopathies a large number of mutations were found in genes that contain information about sarcomeric proteins of cardiomyocytes, among which proteins of cardiac troponin complex play an

Therapy of arterial hypertension in the elderly and patients with senile asthenia

There is a Lot of evidence supporting regular monitoring of blood pressure across general population for cardiovascular disease risk reduction. However, there are not so many data on treatment of arterial hypertension in the elderly and subgroups of patients with senile

Acquired valvular heart diseases: clinical picture and diagnostics


The manuscript shows information about acquired valvular heart diseases. We provide data about etiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture of these syndromes.

Adenosine and its role in the physiology and pathology of the cardiovascular system

Adenosine is an endogenous purine nucleoside with short half-life and regulates many physiological functions, including functions of the cardiovascular system. In this review effects of adenosine on cardiac electrophysiologic properties and diagnostic and treatment options

Treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension: current questions

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a group of potential and life-threatening diseases characterized by a progressive increase of pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) with the rapid outcome as the right ventricular failure. The treatment of

Management of patients with atrial fibrillation after percutaenous coronarography intervention: results of the trial AUGUSTUS

Majority of patients with atrial fibrillation require long-term or even lifelong anticoagulant therapy. However, warfarin administration has a number of limitations, which can significantly affect the efficiency and safety of treatment. Direct oral anticoagulants are

The necessity of Aquamer using in patients with coronary artery disease

In the article combination therapy necessity with the use of the drug Aquamer® of pharmaceutical company "Gedeon Richter” in coronary artery disease (CAD) is grounded. The effectiveness of the combination of amlodipine, lisinopri l, rosuvastatin for CAD treatment

New opportunities for prognosis improvement in chronic ischaemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus patients

Modern epidemiological studies indicate that in every second case of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) concomitant diabetes mellitus can also be diagnosed. This affects negatively the life expectancy and increase risk of cardiovascular complications development and death. Modern
Clinical саses

Surgical treatment for papillary fibroelastoma of the aortic valve non-coronary cusp

A 58-year-old woman was referral to the cardiac surgery department of Samara Regional Clinical Cardiological Dispensary. She was suspected of having infective endocarditis with aortic valve lesion. Results of echocardiography and computer tomography did not confirm

Cardiological masks syndrome cancellation of psychostyles

A practicing cardiologist regularly searches for the causes of various conditions, such as loss of consciousness, hypertension, rhythm disturbance and disorder of impulse conduction, and others. Often at the beginning of the disease the atypical clinical picture prevails, it

Clinical observation of the patient with successful simultaneous intervention at atherosclerotic lesion of brachiocephalic and coronary arteries in acute coronary syndrome

The article presents the clinical observation of the patient with successful simultaneous intervention of combined atherosclerotic disease of brachiocephalic and coronary arteries in acute coronary syndrome. A patient with a clinic of acute coronary syndrome with underlying

Clinical case of silent myocardial infarction of type 1 in the young patient

The clinical case of silent myocardial infarction of 1 type with lack of a pain syndrome was presented. Timely recognition and diagnostics allowed to perform early invasive treatment. Active use of modern issues of diagnostics and treatment caused the favorable early
Cardiology news

News of cardiology




All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Andrey G. Obrezan
MD, Professor, Head of the Hospital Therapy Department of the Saint Petersburg State University, Chief Physician of SOGAZ MEDICINE Clinical Group, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

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