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3 . 2018

The catestatin role in the formation of arterial pressure circadian profile in patients with essential hypertension


The aim of research is to study plasma catestatin features in patients with essential hypertension (EH) of different cardiovascular risk and to assess its relationship with the indicators of daily monitoring of arterial pressure (AP).

Materials and methods. The study involved 142 men in age 30-50 years, they were divided into groups: group 1 (n=16) -patients with EH referred to the group of average risk of developing cardiovascular complications (CVC), group 2 (n=63) patients with EH assigned to a group of high risk of CVC, group 3 (n=26) - patients with EH referred to the group of very high risk. The group of control included healthy men with normal blood pressure (n=37). Plasma catestatin (ng/ml) was determined, daily blood pressure monitoring was performed.

The results. No statistically significant differences between the studied groups were identified, but a pattern of catestatin concentration decrease was revealed as an increase of CVC risk in patients with EH. Сatestatin correlations with the parameters of echocardiography were obtained in patients with the high risk of CVC: PWT(S) (r=0.291; p=0.028) and IVS(S) (r=0.275; p=0.038). After analyzing the Kario morning AP surge we found statistically significant differences between patients of the groups 2 and 3 (p<0.05). Intragroup analysis revealed positive correlations of plasma catestatin and the Kario morning BP surge in the group of control (r=0.340; p=0.039) and in the group of patients with EH of average risk of CVC (r=0.340; p=0.039). A statistically significant relationship was obtained in patients with the daily diastolic AP index non-dipper: compared with the control group, patients with EH and a very high risk of CVC had a lower concentration of catestatin (p<0.05).

Conclusion. The results confirm the hypothesis that the reduction of catestatin in patients with EH is associated with the progression of EH and cardiovascular risk increasing. It is assumed that catestatin is involved in the formation of the daily profile of AP in patients with EH.

Keywords: essential hypertension, catestatin, daily monitoring of blood pressure

Cardiology: News, Opinions, Training. 2018; 6 (3): 41-50. doi: 10.24411/2309-1908-2018-13003

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Andrey G. Obrezan
MD, Professor, Head of the Hospital Therapy Department of the Saint Petersburg State University, Chief Physician of SOGAZ MEDICINE Clinical Group, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

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