Topic number
4 . 2017


Cardiology news

News of cardiology

Original research

Measurement of the peak level of cardiac troponin I in myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation as a method of estimating the amount of irreversibly damaged

The aim of the study is to determine the vaLue of the peak LeveL of cardiac troponin I (picp) after reperfusion therapy for myocardiaL infarction with ST - segment eLevation (STEMI) as a method for evaLuating the voLume of irreversibLy damaged myocardium (PBNPA) and predict

Mechanical dyssynchrony as a predictor of superresponse in cardiac resynchronisation therapy with a long term follow-up

To evaluate clinical and morpho - functional features in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) and superresponse in patients with cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT), to find predictors of superresponse in patients with CRT. Materials and methods. The study

Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with coronary artery disease heart and indications for planned endovascular intervention

Often the reason for diagnosis of diabetes meLLitus and other carbohydrate metaboLism disorders (CMDS) becomes acute coronary event. According to the recommendations of the worLd heaLth organization, aLL patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) must be an active diagnosis

Association of subclinical left ventricular systolic dysfunction and kidney injury in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus without cardiovascular disease

The aims - to study earLy Left ventricuLar injury in young patients with type 1 diabetes meLLitus without cardiovascuLar disease by speckLe tracking echocardiography and identify factors associated with dysfunction of gLobaL LongitudinaL systoLic deformation. In 90 patients

Impact empagliflozin on glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 with ischemic heart disease prior to elective percutaneous coronary intervention

Diabetes meLLitus (DM) is a dangerous disease with the deveLopment of severe compLications Leading to earLy disabiLity and mortaLity. Coronary heart disease (CHD) in diabetes is characterized by rapidLy progressive muLti - vesseL Lesion of coronary arteries with a tendency

Women and hypertension: prevalence, relationship with psychosocial factors in female population aged 25-64 years (epidemiological study based on the WHO program MONICA-psychosocial)

SociaL isoLation has Long been associated with increased cardiovascuLar morbidity and mortaLity. It is therefore necessary to study the prevaLence of such psychosociaL risk factors for cardiovascuLar disease as personaL anxiety (PA) and sociaL support (SP) in the open

The heart rate variability and a potential risk of complications during the in-hospital period in the elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing the coronary stenting

The aim - the risk factors of the heart rate variabiLity (HRV) for the deveLopment of an potentiaL unfavorabLe outcomes in the eLderLy patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing the coronary stenting were studied. Material and methods. 116 patients were incLuded
То practitioner’s consult

Thrombocytopenia in practice cardiology

In the practice of a cardiologist it is necessary to observe patients with thrombocytopenia, when it is required to decide the need for correction of the conducted drug therapy, transfusion of platelet mass. However, the reason is not always know why the level of platelet

Pulmonary embolism: does routing determine prognosis?

CurrentLy, much is being done to optimize the care of patients with puLmonary emboLism (PE). On the basis of the Order Ministry of heaLth of Russia from 29.12.2012 #1706 (amended on 13.02.2013) in the regions of the deveLoped routing scheme for patients with certain diseases



All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Andrey G. Obrezan
MD, Professor, Head of the Hospital Therapy Department of the Saint Petersburg State University, Chief Physician of SOGAZ MEDICINE Clinical Group, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

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