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2 . 2021

Clinical cases of pericarditis in elderly patients and their treatment


This article presents 3 clinical cases of pericarditis in elderly patients and it's different treatment strategies.

Keywords:pericarditis, pericardial effusion, chronic heart failure, echocardiography

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interests.

For citation: Serezhina E.K., Obrezan A.G., Ostanina N.G. Clinical cases of pericarditis in elderly patients and their treatment. Kardiologiya: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie [Cardiology: News, Opinions, Training]. 2021; 9 (2): 32-4. (in Russian)


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All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Andrey G. Obrezan
MD, Professor, Head of the Hospital Therapy Department of the Saint Petersburg State University, Chief Physician of SOGAZ MEDICINE Clinical Group, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

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